Current Fall/Winter Timetable

Prof Christian Caron teaching in Convocation Hall on the U of T campus
Professor Christian Caron teaching in Convocation Hall on the St. George campus

Fall-Winter Courses   Summer Courses   Syllabus Archive

Our first year courses introduce students to the concepts and methods that sociologists use in analyzing and understanding the social world. Students are challenged to rethink their assumptions as they explore the various topics studied and approaches used across the discipline.

Second year courses allow students to explore a particular area in depth and learn more about the research methods that sociologists use to understand the social world.

Our 300-level and 400-level courses delve deeply into specific topics and provide students with advanced skills development in critical thinking, analysis, and academic writing. In addition to our regular courses, students may also enroll in an Independent Research Course to pursue a specific topic of interest.

Each year, we offer a rotation of "New Topics in Sociology" courses at the 200, 300 and 400 levels. These courses teach up-to date research and highlight areas of our faculty's research expertise. See this year's New Topics in Sociology.



Many of our courses offer students the experience to conduct their own research. Students might also apply to the University of Toronto Excellence Awards program to work with a faculty member during the summer term.

Study Abroad

Students who wish to take courses through a Study Abroad Program should consult with the transfer credit office. If the course you wish to take is not listed there, please submit a detailed syllabus of the course to the undergraduate chair, Christian Caron, for assessment.


Course Offerings

Check the Arts & Science course calendar for restrictions, exclusions and for course descriptions, and the Arts & Science Timetable for course locations.


Fall and Winter 2024–25 Courses

Course Session Course Title Section Schedule Instructor
SOC100H1 F Intro. to Sociology I: Sociological Perspectives L0101/L2000/L2001 W12-2 Mitch McIvor
SOC100H1 F Intro. to Sociology I: Sociological Perspectives L0201/L2101 TH4-6 Mitch McIvor
SOC100H1 S Intro. to Sociology I: Sociological Perspectives L5101/L2501 T6-8 Yuki Tanaka
SOC150H1 S Intro. to Sociology II: Sociological Inquiries L0101/L2001 W12-2 Scott Schieman
SOC150H1 S Intro. to Sociology II: Sociological Inquiries L0201 TH11-1 Yuki Tanaka
SOC196H1 S Introduction to Arab Majority Societies L0101 W11-1 Moutaa El Waer
SOC197H1 S The Courses of Lives, Histories, & Futures L0101 M11-1 William Magee
SOC199H1 S Living together differently in the 21st century: Israel as a case study L0101 T11-1 Kineret Sadeh
SOC201H1 F Classical Sociological Theory L0101 M9-11 Jack Veugelers
SOC201H1 F Classical Sociological Theory L5101 W5-8 Joseph Bryant
SOC201H1 S Classical Sociological Theory L0101 M9-11 Jack Veugelers
SOC202H1 F Introduction to Quantitative Methods L0101 T3-5 Sharla Alegria
SOC202H1 F Introduction to Quantitative Methods L0201 W11-1 Fedor Dokshin
SOC202H1 S Introduction to Quantitative Methods L0101 W9-11 Jonathan Horowitz
SOC204H1 F Introduction to Qualitative Methods L0101 T11-1 Jordan Brensinger
SOC204H1 F Introduction to Qualitative Methods L0201 TH11-1 Jan Doering
SOC204H1 S Introduction to Qualitative Methods L0101 T11-1 Yoonkyung Lee
SOC205H1 S Urban Sociology L0101 TH11-1 Brent Berry
SOC207H1 S Sociology of Work L0101 T3-5 Sharla Alegria
SOC209H1 F Sexuality and Modernity L0101 TH3-5 Adam Green
SOC210H1 F Sociology of Race and Ethnicity L5101 W5-7 Yuki Tanaka
SOC212H1 S Crime and Deviance L0101 TH9-11 Jan Doering
SOC214H1 F Sociology of the Family L0101 T1-3 Joanna Pepin
SOC215H1 F Sociology of Organizations L0101 TH9-11 Alicia Eads
SOC220H1 F Social Stratification L0101 W9-11 Jonathan Horowitz
SOC225H1 S Canadian Society L5101 TH7-9 Mitch McIvor
SOC240H1 F Sociology of Law L0101 F1-3 Ronit Dinovitzer
SOC243H1 S Sociology of Health L0101 W1-3 Soli Dubash
SOC249H1 S Sociology of Migration L0101 M11-1 Leafia Ye
SOC251H1 F Contemporary Sociological Theory L5101 T5-8 Joseph Bryant
SOC251H1 S Contemporary Sociological Theory L0101 W11-1 Simeon Newman
SOC252H1 F Intermediate Quantitative Methods L0101 T3-5 Aida Parnia
SOC252H1 S Intermediate Quantitative Methods L0101 M3-5 Leafia Ye
SOC254H1 F Intermediate Qualitative Methods L0101 W11-1 Andrea Roman Alfaro
SOC254H1 S Intermediate Qualitative Methods L0101 T11-1 Hammad Khan
SOC260H1 S Introduction to Political Sociology L0101 F11-1 Moutaa El Waer
SOC265H1 F Gender and Society L5101 M5-7 Judith Taylor
SOC280H1 F Sociology of Culture L0101 W11-1 Vanina Leschziner
SOC295H1 S New Topics: Sociology of Religion L5101 Online:
Joseph Bryant
SOC305H1 F Sociology of Professions L0101 F9-11 Ronit Dinovitzer
SOC311H1 F Immigration & Race Relations L0101 M1-3 Yuki Tanaka
SOC312H1 F Population and Society L0101 TH11-1 Brent Berry
SOC313H1 S Social Control L0101 M1-3 Mitra Mokhtari
SOC317H1 S Urban Policy L0101 T2-5 Prentiss Dantzler
SOC318H1 S Theories of Stratification L0101 M10-1 Jonathan Horowitz
SOC319H1 S Immigration and Employment L0101 Online:
Jennifer Peruniak
SOC323H1 F Economic Sociology L0101 T2-5 Lance Stewart
SOC327H1 S Sociology of Sports L0101 W10-1 Christian Caron
SOC329H1 S Social Movements L0101 W1-4 Kayla Preston
SOC335H1 F Urban Health L5101 TH5-8 Olimpia Bidian
SOC340H1 F Comparative Political Sociology L0101 T10-1 Yoonkyung Lee
SOC345H1 F Global Inequality L0101 Online:
James Lannigan
SOC348H1 F Culture and Inequality L0101 TH2-5 Bonnie Erickson
SOC350H1 F New Topics: Sociology of Solidarity L0101 TH10-1 Yuki Tanaka
SOC350H1 S New Topics: Sociology of Legal Careers L0101 F10-1 Ronit Dinovitzer
SOC351H1 F New Topics: Gender, Violence, and the State L0101 W1-4 Roberta Pamplona
SOC351H1 S New Topics: Consumer Culture and Sustainability L0101 M1-4 Brody Trottier
SOC352H1 F New Topics: Environmental Sociology L0101 W4-7 Tyler Bateman
SOC352H1 S New Topics: Non-Profit Practicum L0101 F2-5 Mitch McIvor
SOC353H1 F New Topics: Debates in Contemporary Theory L0101 M2-5 Jack Veugelers
SOC353H1 S New Topics: Medical Sociology L0101 T10-1 Soli Dubash
SOC354H1 F New Topics: Immigrants in Toronto L0101 M10-1 Leafia Ye
SOC354H1 S New Topics: Theories of Punishment and Law L0101 TH10-1 Elliot Fonarev
SOC356H1 F Sociology of Technology L0101 TH1-3 Jordan Brensinger
SOC365H1 S Gender Relations L0101 TH3-5 Adam Green
SOC367H1 S Race, Class, and Gender L5101 M5-7 Sharla Alegria
SOC375H1 F Sociology of the City L0101 T3-5 Prentiss Dantzler
SOC388H1 S Sociology of Everyday Life L0101 TH1-3 Vanina Leschziner
SOC389H1 S Sociology of Scandals L0101 F1-3 Ronit Dinovitzer
SOC394H1 F New Topics: Capitalism L0101 T9-11 Simeon Newman
SOC395H1 S New Topics: Intimate Relationships L0101 T1-3 Joanna Pepin
SOC409H1 S Sexuality and Research Design L0101 T3-5 Adam Green
SOC412H1 S Medicalization of Deviance L5101 M-5-7 Steven Hayle
SOC427H1 F Families and Health L0101 Online:
Jillian Sunderland
SOC448H1 S Sociology of Emotions L0101 TH3-5 William Magee
SOC483H1 F Culture and Cognition L0101 T1-3 Vanina Leschziner
SOC485H1 F New Topics: Logics of Collective Action: From Revolution to Infrapolitics L0101 F11-1 Moutaa El Waer
SOC485H1 S New Topics: The Gig Economy L0101 T9-11 Emily Hammond
SOC486H1 F Advanced Studies in Urban Sociology L0101 T9-11 Tyler Bateman
SOC489H1 F New Topics: Energy, Climate Change, and Society L0101 M9-11 Fedor Dokshin
SOC489H1 S New Topics: Policy and Inequality in Post-Secondary Education L5101 W5-7 Mitch McIvor
SOC493H1 S New Topics: Ethnography and Intimacy L0101 W3-5 Pamela Tsui
SOC495H1 F New Topics: Work in the Digital Age L5101 M5-7 Sharla Alegria
SOC496H1 F New Topics: Sociology of Free Time L0101 W11-1 Brent Berry
SOC496H1 S New Topics: Interaction and Identity in the City L0101 T11-1 Jan Doering
SOC497H1 S New Topics: Housing Markets, Financial Crisis and Inequality L0101 W9-11 Alicia Eads
SOC498H1 S New Topics: Revolutions L0101 TH1-3 Simeon Newman
SOC499H1 F New Topics: Sociology of Masculinities L5101 T6-8 Jillian Sunderland
SOC499H1 S New Topics: Migration and Settler Colonialism L0101 F9-11 Yuki Tanaka


Syllabi from Previous Years

Our syllabus archive contains the syllabi from courses offered since 2012.