Congratulations to Associate Professor Laura Bisaillon for receiving the 2023 Canadian Sociology Book Award “Honourable Mention” for Screening Out: HIV Screening and the Canadian Immigration Experience.
The award was created to celebrate Canadian publications that advance the study of sociology. Bisaillon’s book examines medical and legal areas of sociology in the Canadian context. She uses institutional ethnographic analysis to explore and critique the Canadian government’s approach to immigration, with a focus on the ways the immigration program uses medical exams to decide which immigrants are granted entry into the country.
According to the Canadian Sociological Association, “The adjudication committee recognized this book as an example of rigorous and reflexive sociology, situated knowledges, and an exceptional narrative that combines sociological theory and methods, and social justice aims." To learn more about Screening Out, visit the publisher’s website. To learn more about the Canadian Sociology Book Award, visit the CSA’s website.