Professor Neda Maghbouleh featured on USC podcast

December 4, 2017 by Adriana Kiatipis

Professor Neda Maghbouleh was recently featured in USC Annenberg's Michael Radcliffe's podcast on Tehrangeles, a Los Angeles neighbourhood that's home to the largest population of Iranians outside of Iran. In the podcast, Professor Maghbouleh discusses the importance of the area, and how it creates a connection to a home country for its mainly Iranian immigrant population though Iranian-owned businesses and cultural aesthetics. The area provides its residents with a sense of home and belonging, despite being thousands of miles away from Iran. Professor Maghbouleh is an Assistant Professor of Sociology with undergraduate teaching responsibilities at the UTM campus. Her research focuses on race and immigration. She released her first book, The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian Americans and the Everyday Politics of Race, in September.

 Listen to the podcast here.
