Graduate students may appeal an academic matter (e.g., mark in a course, comprehensive exam result). As indicated on the School of Graduate Studies website, the first step in the appeal process is to attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor or other person whose ruling is in question. Should the matter not be resolved with the instructor, and should the student wish to pursue the matter, the student must discuss the matter with the Graduate Associate Chair. Should the matter remain unresolved, the student would provide a formal written appeal which would go to the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC).
An academic appeal must be filed within eight weeks after date of the decision being appealed. Formal written appeals are initiated by a notice of appeal, which must include the following:
- a clear statement of the decision the student is appealing;
- the name of the person or persons who made the decision, if known to the student;
- the date the decision was communicated officially to the student;
- a clear statement of the resolution the student is seeking on appeal;
- a statement of the reason or reasons that the student feels that the decision was incorrect and that the student’s proposed resolution is appropriate, including any arguments the student wishes to advance in support of the appeal;
- copies of any documentary evidence the student has in her/his possession, and wishes the Committee to consider. Other documents may be used in the appeal only with the leave of the Committee.
The Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee is composed of four graduate faculty members and one Sociology graduate student member. To reach out to the committee please contact the chair, Prof. Cynthia Cranford at