66 of our faculty and graduate students participating at this year's CSA

May 19, 2017 by Sherri Klassen

The Canadian Sociological Association is meeting this year in Toronto (hosted by Ryerson University) in conjunction with the Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences from May 27 - June 2.

The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is an annual multidisciplinary gathering of scholars in Canada. It brings together academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to share findings and learn from each other. This year's congress is organized around the theme, "From Far & Wide: The Next 150." The CSA is one of more than 70 other organizations that will be holding their conferences in conjunction with the congress. 2017 marks the 52nd annual conference of the CSA.

Sociologists from the University of Toronto will once again play prominent roles in the program of the CSA for 2017. Thirty of our faculty members are presenting or organizing panels this year, including three who have already retired. Graduate student involvement ranges all the way from Master's students to senior doctoral candidates who have recently graduated. Sixteen doctoral candidates will present research related in some way to their dissertations, 17 pre-dissertation PhD students and 2 MA students will present on their work stemming either from their coursework or work as Research Assistants with faculty members. Take a look at this year's program here.