Congratulations to Andrew Nevin, recipient of the 2020 Dennis William Magill Canada Research Award

February 20, 2020 by Sherri Klassen

Congratulations to Andrew Nevin, winner of the 2020 Dennis William Magill Canada Research Award. The award is awarded annually for a paper or dissertation of exceptional merit that deals with a sociological aspect of Canadian Society. Preference is given for work that deals with macro-sociological topics.

Nevin received the award for his paper, “Academic Hiring Networks and Institutional Prestige: A Case Study of Canadian Sociology”, published in Canadian Review of Sociology (2019). The award committee noted that the article provides new evidence on the structure of the Canadian academic job market. By documenting the role of high-status institutions in segmenting an academic field, the paper sheds light on important macro-sociological processes in Canadian society.

Read more about this article and see an abstract here.