Congratulations to PhD candidate Alexandra Rodney who will be attending the ASA Section on Teaching and Learning's preconference workshop as a recipient of the 2017 SAGE Teaching Innovations and Professional Development Award. The award is funded by SAGE publications and approximately twenty SAGE authors who donate their royalties to provide a fund to offset the costs incurred by graduate students and pretenure faculty of attending the preconference. The award seeks to "prepare a new generation of leaders in the sociology 'teaching moment'" and is awarded based on 5 criteria:
- demonstrated commitment to teaching
- potential contribution to the workshop and benefit of attending
- depth of reflection on the dynamics of the classroom
- financial need
- proximity to first full-time college teaching position (recently entered or about to enter)
Alexandra will attend this year's session which is called “Thinking Matters: Critical Thinking, Active Listening, and Evidence-Based Writing.” Alexandra is passionate about teaching sociology. She has already participated in 35 teaching-related workshops and earned a Teaching Fundamentals Certificate from the University of Toronto. She hopes that attending the preconference session at the ASA will help her develop community-engaged and experiential learning activities for students, especially those that are applicable for use in a variety of class sizes and heterogeneous groups.
Alexandra is one of 26 recipients of the SAGE Teaching Innovations Award and the only one from Canada. The full list and the list of sponsoring authors is available here.