PhD Candidate James Braun in "Nations and Nationalism"

December 9, 2019 by Jada Charles

Ph.D. Candidate James Braun published an article in Nations and Nationalism entitled "The strange case of ‘John Black’ and ‘Mr Hyde’: constructing migrating Jamaicans as (un)worthy nationals."  The article uses content analysis to understand the moral constructions within Jamaica of diasporic Jamaicans.

We have posted the citation and the abstract of the article below.

Braun, James. 2016. "The strange case of ‘John Black’ and ‘Mr Hyde’: constructing migrating Jamaicans as (un)worthy nationals". Nations and Nationalism.

This paper examines how migrating Jamaicans were constructed as ‘worthy’ or ‘unworthy’ of Jamaican diasporic membership in the early years of statehood, to demonstrate the role of nationalist cultural repertoires in constructing particular diasporic imaginaries. I conduct a discourse analysis of Jamaica's national newspaper, The Daily Gleaner, between 1962 and 1966, a period encompassing crucial transitions in Jamaican migration movements and from colony to statehood. I argue that tropes of respectability present in Afro‐creole nationalist ideology form the cultural repertoires used to distinguish migrants' actions as worthy or unworthy of national membership. These distinctions specify who ‘counts’ as part of the diaspora and how migrants of different social positions may claim and articulate their membership.

The full text is available through Wiley Online Library here.
