Undergraduate Sociology Journal: Call for Submissions

November 15, 2018 by Kate Paik

The Undergraduate Sociology Journal (USJ) is currently seeking submissions for its second volume. The USJ is a student-run publication that is open to any student enrolled in an undergraduate program at the St. George campus. The editorial board welcomes submissions of course papers that received a grade in the A-range in a Sociology course or in one of sociology's intersecting disciplines that include, but aren't limited to: Criminology, Women and Gender Studies, Indigenous Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies, and Economics. The essays must have a clear sociological focus.

The previous and inaugural volume explored and critically analyzed topics of crime and deviance; gender, sexuality and identity; health and sociology; social movements; theory and critical reflections; and urban sociology, with a common concern about how we make sense of the world around us through a sociological lens. The full publication can be foundĀ here.

The call for submissions for Volume II is now open, and the deadline is January 15, 2019, by midnight. Details and requirements for submission can be foundĀ here.